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Go Blue Wolverine Magazine |
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Go Blue Wolverine Magazine provides comprehensive "insider" coverage of all Michigan sports - with a focus on football, basketball and recruiting. Get in-depth stories and features on your favorite Wolverine players and coaches in a glossy format, complete with beautiful color photography. Go Blue Wolverine is a must (and a perfect gift) for all die-hard UM fans. Get inside Michigan sports with Go Blue Wolverine Magazine! |
Diesel Power Magazine |
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Diesel Power is the first consumer magazine just for diesel enthusiasts. This publication shows owners what's on the market to improve their trucks' engine, transmission, and driveline. Diesel Power also shows prospective new truck buyers the newest light trucks with diesel engines and catalogs their performance. Diesel engine technology, motor home engine upgrades, "diesel drags," "dyno days," and towing are all part of the package as well. |